It is a priority for us to ensure that our pride march is a safer space for our community. In this spirit, we do not welcome people with exclusionary, racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, nationalist or right-wing views, placards, or statements.
Transphobia and any kind of anti-trans hostility has no place in queer liberation or in feminism. Trans Exclusionary Radical “Feminists” are not welcome at our march.
There is no liberation for any of us without Palestinian liberation. The so-called anti-Deutsch are not welcome at this event.
We stand for decriminalization of sex work and oppose politics that stigmatize and vulnerate sex workers safety and rights. Groups who are against sex workers’ rights are not welcome at the march.
The queer liberation march will have a dedicated and clearly visible “awareness team”, to ensure as much as possible the safety of our attendees. We are not able to guarantee the safety of participants, but we will do all in our power to ensure that our community feel safe, protected and empowered on this day of protest and pride.